May 28, 2013

Two Ingredient Banana Chocolate Ice Cream

My sister and I drove an ice cream truck one summer when I was in high school.  Every few mornings, we had to drive it to the headquarters about thirty miles away to stock up on ice cream.  It was always about a hundred degrees in the truck.  We would rumble down the highway with the door slid wide open for a breeze.  With the pedal to the metal, thirty five miles per hour was the fastest the truck could go.  It was so loud, we would have to scream over what sounded like a tin box scraping against asphalt.  At the warehouse we would buy however much ice cream we could afford and load it in to the freezers on the truck. 

We would take turns doing the rounds at the park and in our designated neighborhoods, ringing the bell and handing ice cream bars down to sugar-starved little kids.  You haven’t done a K-turn on a dead end street until you’ve done a K-turn on a dead end street in an ice cream truck.  It’s like steering a pirate ship in a wind storm. 

I didn’t have a car that summer so I would drive the ice cream truck to go hang out with my friends; we would end up sitting inside it, eating all the profits.  Weeks later my sister and I, having made very little money, gave up and turned in the truck.  Ice cream shouldn’t be so difficult.  Here’s a very simple dairy-free ice cream recipe courtesy of my mom that you can make at home all summer long. 


Makes 2 servings

2 large ripe bananas, peeled
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder

1.  Cut the bananas into discs, put them on a plate, cover them with plastic wrap and place them in the freezer until they are completely frozen through.

2.  Blend the frozen bananas in a food processor until smooth. 

3.  Stir in the cocoa powder until it’s completely incorporated.  You can add more cocoa powder if you want and throw on any toppings you can think of. 

4.  Serve immediately or store leftovers in the freezer in an airtight container.

You might also like:  Frozen Chocolate Dipped Bananas, Berry Clafouti, Frozen Yogurt Honey Buttons


  1. I have ice cream and frozen treats on my brain lately, too. I've made this and it really is a cool trick. I like it with cocoa powder and a healthy scoop of nutella! : )

  2. Hi Monica, it's totally frozen treat season! Nutella sounds like an awesome addition. I'll have to try that on the next batch!

  3. I never heard these stories of the two of you and the ice cream truck. I just remember when you quit and gave away free ice cream to all the kids on Decatur Street! Today you'd probably be locked up as predators by Chris Hansen and his team!

  4. I don't remember that part, haha! Those kids must have been psyched:)
